Thursday, August 8, 2013

Visualization Challenge

Dream…..daydream, visualize, envision! Take a break, take some time out for dreaming! Embark on a journey to the inner places of inspiration, listen to what becomes perceivable, if you stop looking around in the outside world for it. Allow inner pictures to arise, allow them to be fantastic and unreal. The more you can allow this to happen in the world of your imagination, the more you will be able to manifest your ideas later on in reality. Even if sometimes it might seem that nothing can be realized the way it looked like in your dreams, keep believing in your dreams! It just might not have been the right time for their realization - they will manifest when they are ready, if you stay open and ready for them!
The importance of active and passive dreaming is huge, it helps you to create your images before you go out and take photographs! It is the process of creation in the world of imagination where everything is possible. This is your chance to pick from the source of all potential. Be lavishly, dream abundantly. Let your imagination travel to wherever it wants to go, and let it surprise you!
This is such an exciting and joyful journey of discovery, which takes you to the veracity of your own self, yourself as a photographer and a true new way of expressing your very own unique perception. This is exactly where you ideally want to source your ideas from and carve your images out of imagination before you grab your camera and go out to shoot.
Thinking comes second, because in contrast to dreaming it is limited and sometimes can even turn desperate, but it is a perfect tool to help realize what the dreams have drafted. Bring out your unique way of creating images - you will know when it works, you will just love it!

What can you do, if it doesn't work? Stop looking outside to what's already there, stop looking sideways to what others have done or are doing, stop reasoning about problems which hold you back (equipment, skills, opportunities, or circumstances).
Start believing that everything is possible. Start looking inside to your inner source of stillness and nothingness, which holds all potential. It is no different to the ancient ways of creation in our world, we are all connected to that beautiful power, we just need to open up to it and start being receptive and participate. Stop trying to control this process, it doesn't work, you will just unnecessary limit yourself. Ask for inspiration, and it will come. Don't try to force it - it is a gift. Invite inspiration, make your inner space comfortable and inviting, and inspiration will visit bringing heaps of gifts for the host. If it keeps eluding you, stop doing things and just practice to become still, observe, listen - until this magic source opens it's doors for you. It is there, in that stillness, that you will find what you are looking for. As long as too much distraction is taking place, the precious source of inspiration might remain undiscoverable.

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